First 3 finals of My exhibition:
Potential blurb to go with this set of images:
This series of photographs exposes the ways in which women in media and advertising are used as sex objects in order to sell products. It aims to challenge the stereotypical products that women advertise whilst also posing the question can sex appeal sell any product?
These are my first set of finals for my exhibtion and how they will be set up against the wall. Additionally, i plan to have a further 3 or 4 more on the pictures I have taken which are in an earlier post, i just have not quite decided which ones yet. I really like these three images as a set, as I think along with my potential blurb they really show 3 mundane objects which crudely contrast with the idea of sex appeal. Furthermore I like that they are all landscape photographs which makes them go together more. I think that my other set of images for the exhibition will be portrait and they hopefully sit nicely under this set.